Contact Us
You may contact us by email at, by phone (714) 538-1057, or by submitting the following form to the administrative secretary.
USPS Mailing Address
PO Box 6287, Anaheim, CA 92816-9998
The Prayer Chain of Christ Reformed
"Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving" (Col 4:2).
One of the ways we share our prayer needs at Christ Reformed Church is through the E-mail prayer chain. If you are not yet subscribed, please consider doing so by submitting your request to the administrative secretary. Praying for one another is an important part of being a church family. The prayer chain is an easy way to provide this act of love and service to those who need it most. You may also submit your prayer requests to the administrative secretary.
Opportunities for Involvement
Feeling disconnected? Want to get to know other church members better? If you're already attending worship twice every Sunday, try these options:
Lunch fellowship on Sunday afternoon (1:00 P.M.)
Dinner 8's
Men's Book Club
Women's Book Club
Friday night fellowship (1st and 3rd Friday of each month at 7:00 P.M.)
Sunday School (First Grade through Adult)