by DAN BORVAN on October 21, 2023
Classis Southwest U.S. of the United Reformed Churches of North America (URCNA) was delighted to receive, provisionally, the Reformed Church of the Southern Suburbs (RCSS) of Cape Town, South Africa in March 2023. Full reception into the URC has to be approved by the URC Synod in 2024. Rev. Dr. Simon Jooste is the founding pastor of RCSS. The congregation began as a church plant in 2012 and was particularized in 2019. The congregation faithfully preaches the gospel, administers the sacraments, and oversees church discipline amidst challenges unfamiliar to most American Christians. The poverty, violence, and moral decay of South Africa are significant, and the pastoral care required in such a context is all-consuming. In the face of these never-ending difficulties, Rev. Jooste, the consistory, and the congregation of RCSS press on for the cause of the gospel, empowered by the Holy Spirit.
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Diary of a Traveling Pastor: South Africa